Welcome, welcome, welcome to the
Art of Parenting:
the path to establish meaningful relationships with your children!
So happy that you are here!
Congratulations on your willingness and courage to want more in your relationship with your children, for wanting to support your children to be free to be themselves and to be the best parent you can be!

Why the Art of Parenting?
A friend just recently shared her observation with me that as parents, we are raising the future leaders -(my definition of a leader is someone who, in his/her own way, is self-aware, courageous, honest, innovative, humble, proud of his/her accomplishments, trustworthy, tries to do what is right and what is best for all involved. They are a very important part of our society): Leading can look very different depending on the situation. One can lead their family, friends, coworkers, employees, groups, students, team etc… You get the picture. It feels like quite a tall order!
If you are anything like me, you just thought “I would love to have a child”, and then you had one (or several). You did not think much farther into the future, about what it would take to raise respectful, kind, resilient well adjusted happy humans.
Why did you want to have children? What did you think would happen in your life once you had them? To love them, to have a sweet bond, to share life with, have fun….? The picture perfect postcard with content smiling faces?
I imagine you never envisioned or anticipated the chaos, worry, heartache or challenges that come along with being a parent. Most of us just think about the innocence and unconditional love. Fast forward to reality….and here we are! These little people have a mind of their own and they carry part of our hearts with them wherever they go. Who would have thought :-)!
Now what?
There are no manuals on how to raise children that consider your specific standards, values and principles. Most of the literature and courses out there tell you what they think you should do, but does that really work for you and your situation? How do you find out what works for you?
That is what the Art of Parenting is about. The focus is on you, the parent, and how you can become the best parent you can be, according to your specific values and standards.
After all, we’ve been blessed to raise these amazing creatures, I would assert to say we were given the most important job in the whole world, only there is no reference book or instructions, no college degree, no way to practice ahead of time, or to try it on first to make sure we actually like it. They seemingly fall out of the Heavens from the mouth of a stork (only kidding) into our laps without any directions and we are somehow supposed to figure out how to parent them for the rest of our lives through each stage of growth and development without “breaking them” -yikes!!!
Don’t worry!
You’ve come to the right place. Here you will find the support and guidance you’ve been looking for to navigate this parenting thing. As you are aware, parenting is not a one and done task. The act of raising our children is always changing and evolving and because you and your family are unlike any other, you want to be equipped with the tools and awareness to best manage each circumstance as it arises.