Art of Parenting Course Overview
We must be what we want our children to become. ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce
It is a course for you and about you. It will change the way you parent and in turn it will change your children. Because who you are always informs how you parent.
Class #1
In this honest assessment of the relationship you currently have with your kids, you will identify which parts need the most attention.
Class #2
When you create a clear vision and live with intention you will know at all times what your “north star” looks like.
Class #3 Waiting for certain things to be in perfect order or until after this or that has been taken care of before you start living your best life only makes you miss out on the beauty of each moment as it presents itself to you.
Class #4
Discover what thoughts, qualities and behaviors get in the way of you being the greatest version of yourself as a parent. Then create boundaries that support the successful outcome of your desires.
Class #5
Clean up any past situations that could undermine your healthy relationship with your children and learn to lead your family from a spirit of truth and integrity.
Class #6
Learn the power of making conscious choices to create more freedom.
Class #7
You will discover why feeling good about yourself is your top priority.
Art of Parenting is a 7 class course. There are three different options to choose from. Each option comes with a printable workbook, and a membership to the private facebook group.
Register for the course and choose an option that works best for you:
Option 1
7 class online course plus 1 clarifying, personal parent empowerment session with Martina & a printable workbook - this option is for you if you know you work well independently. You can take it in the comfort of your home at a time that works best for you.
Option 2
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - because we found that many people do not follow through on their own, with option 1, if you are really committed to change, we recommend this option. Option #2 offers everything from option #1 with the added advantage to go a bit deeper and be supported through the course via weekly one to one coaching calls with Martina.
Option 3
This option includes the same benefits as option #2 and to further implement and support you in being the parent you most want to be you will receive monthly coaching sessions with Martina for a year.
**Payment options available upon request.
I know some of you may be hesitating over the price, perhaps thinking you can’t afford it.
If this is the worry that’s holding you back, then you need to ask yourself, “How much more time and energy am I willing to waste not having the kind of relationship I want with my children? Not having the kind of family life that I want and envisioned back before I even had kids?”
The other question you want to ask yourself is, how much would it be worth for you to have that extraordinary relationship with your children, while also being able to make space for yourself? To have peace of mind, and to feel grounded and clear on how you want to spend your time with your kids?
It’s about getting clear on what’s actually important. The skills you’ll learn in the Art of Parenting course truly lasts a lifetime, and help you become the kind of parent you WANT to be. This will have a profound impact on you as a person and will in turn affect your kid’s lives forever.
Now I know some of you may be thinking, “I don’t have TIME to do a course like this.”
And I understand that. You’re a parent, so you’re busy. That’s exactly why we structured this as an online course: so you can go through the lessons when you do have time, as quickly or as slowly as you need to. We like to recommend that you do one class per week, and each class is only about an hour long. There are some exercises and homework, but it’s completely up to you how much time you put into them outside of the classes.
And others of you might be thinking, “What if my partner is not on board? What if he or she wants to keep parenting in the old way?”
For the children, each parent makes a huge difference. They will feel loved, held and taken care of, even if just one parent is operating in this new way.
What it really comes down to is – how committed are you to being the mom you would like to be? As a parent, if you’re committed to having an extraordinary relationship with your children, would you want your partner to stop you from having that?
In addition, you can revisit the course over and over again, as your children grow and you encounter different challenges.
Art of Parenting is based on Debbie Ford’s parenting course and was recreated and updated with the support of Mooniek Seebregts.

Not sure if this course is for you?
To schedule a complementary clarity conversation click to schedule an appointment or to contact Martina fill out the form below.